How Do I Set a Lead as Approved in Appointment Settings?

To set a lead as approved in appointment settings, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Global Data" section and open the "Appointment Settings" tab.

  2. Locate the lead you want to set as approved.

  3. Click on the "Outcome" button.

  4. In the "Add Outcome" modal, select "Approve."

When you set a lead as approved in appointment settings, you need to book a call with a closer. After selecting "Approve," the schedule call modal will open:

  1. Select the event.

  2. Choose either the manual or round-robin method to select the closer and click on the "Schedule Call" button.

  1. The event scheduler will open. Select a time slot and click on the "Claim and Schedule Call" button.

The call will be added with the selected closer, and the booked call will be shown in the "Appointment Settings" tab.

Last updated