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Calls Data Columns

Learn about Global Data Calls default and custom data inside the columns, and how to utilize it

Updated over a month ago

This is a quick guide about Call data columns available, and how you can manage which one to show on your screen, sorted by the order of appearance from left to right, so you could set up default views for data that will benefit you the most.

The main columns are predefined, based on the tab you’re currently on, in Global Data:

  • Contacts

  • Appointment Setting

  • Calls or

  • Deals

Meaning, when you're located at Calls section, you'll see all calls data you should focus on. Navigate to Global Data → Calls and let's get started with.

Predefined Calls Columns


This is the primary column for all Global Data tabs, and it contains:

  • Invitees email or phone number

    • Depending which you've set as primary mandatory field in your Events

  • Colored dot presenting Contact (Lead) status, that will show while hovering

  • Contact Card icon

    • By clicking on it you will be able to access invitees contact card where all summarized information in one place will be about your lead

    • This is applied to any of the fields within a contact row

Contact column will remain fixed while scrolling from right to left and vice versa, so you can constantly keep an eye on the main contact information when looking at more data.

First Name / Last Name

Pretty self explanatory. but let's mention that even though you may have set Form to collect full name, iClosed would break it down to First Name and Last Name for easier tracking and data sorting.

By clicking on First or Last name in the data columns, you will be able to access Contact Card as well.

Phone Number

Pretty important piece of information for you to collect no matter if you're hosting calls on Google Meet/Zoom or doing phone calls.

An Invitee can interact with your scheduler more than once, by using different emails, or even names, as long as the phone number remains the same, all data will be tracked and stored under one Contact.

Call Creation Date

Refers to the date when latest call with the contact is (if Upcoming) or was (if Past) scheduled.

Call Start Date

Refers to the time and date of when the latest call should start/or has started if in past.


Referring to Event Types, that may be either Discovery or Strategy Call Events.

Discovery Calls are available with Business and Enterprise subscription plans only. See full pricing breakdown of all features and prices here.

You'll be able to see:

  • Event Type icons

    • Purple for Discovery Calls

    • Blue for Strategy Calls

  • Internal Color tags defined in Event Details

  • Event Name

In case a lead scheduled calls for more than one Event, blue circle will appear next to the first scheduled event, with "+" and a "number" of other Events the lead is participating in.

You will also be able to preview those Events by hovering over the circle and even taking an external link to the scheduler.

Call Location

Event location, depending of the event setup. Can be Phone, Google Meet or Zoom
(learn all about event location here).

Closer Owner

By definition, it's a Sales representative (Closer) assigned to a strategy call, responsible for turning a lead into customer (closing a deal).

iClosed setup wise, Closers would be all users that:

  • That are hosting Strategy call events (Startup plans have strategy calls by default)

  • Owning a Lead in the Qualified stage

If a Lead scheduled a Strategy call before going into pre-qualification stage (Discovery call event), Current Setter Owner will not show any data.

Setter Owner

By definition, an Appointment Setter is a professional responsible for hosting Discovery calls and taking initial screening of the prospect, ensuring that only qualified leads are sent to the Sales team (Closers).

iClosed setup wise, Setters would be all users that:

  • Are assigned to Discovery call events

  • Owning a Lead in Pre-qualification stage

  • Available to users with Business or Enterprise plans only

If a Lead scheduled a Strategy Calls before going into pre-qualification stage (Discovery call event), Current Setter Owner show as unassigned.

Once you're on Appointment Settings main view, check the column on the right next to Setting Outcome column, and assign Setter by choosing hosts/users from the drop down menu.

Call Outcome

Is the final outcome, that came out as a result of a Strategy call.
It can be either Sale in green, or No Sale in red.

Call Duration

Refers to the meeting duration set in the Event setup.

Current Status

Refers to the prospect current Lead status, which is presented by the status tag, each in their respective colors:

  • Discovery call booked → Filled out the form and booked a Discovery call

  • Strategy call booked → Filled the form and booked a Strategy call

  • Potential → Filled out form partially, and dropped off on primary questions (phone or email and name, which we're saving for you as potential to follow up with

  • Qualified → Filled the form, but dropped off on second form page and didn't book a call.

  • Disqualified → Disqualified based on disqualification criteria set in your Event setup

You will be able to exchange between the statuses by clicking on the drop down menu for a specific lead.

No Sale Reason

Reason for No Sale outcome, if such outcome has been set after the call.

In case of a Sale outcome, data will not show for this column.


Outcome objection is a reason that made Closer to choose positive or negative outcome. Here's the list of tags that come with objections, with detailed explanation.

It will show as Red badge if it was a negative outcome (No Sale) or in green, if it was a positive badge (Sale). Outcome objections are available with Strategy Calls only, and here's the breakdown of tags (badges):


  • Sale → Lead stressed out financial issues, or cost of the product/service, but Closer overcame it successfully.

  • No Sale → Finances were the deal breaker. Lack of budget.


  • Sale → Lead stressed out that things outside his reach are affecting him to convert, but Closer overcame it successfully and closed the deal.

  • No Sale → Lead wasn't able to make a decision because of the outside factor


  • Sale → Lead needed approval from other person, such as partner, but Closer closed the deal in the end.

  • No Sale → Lead needs approval from a partner or consultant party before making a decision


  • Sale → Lead wasn't sure if the service or product would benefit his needs, but Closer was able to reassure him and closed the deal.

  • No Sale → Lead is concerned if the product/service is going to be able to help his business, and hesitant about converting

Smoke Screen

  • Sale → Closer was able to negotiate and close a deal even though Lead didn't want to admit real objection.

  • No Sale → When a lead doesn't want to admit the real objection or concern

No Objection

  • Sale → A perfect lead in theory, who knew what he wants, and converted without troubles.

  • No Sale → Other not defined objections, such as lack of need or lack of urgency.

Sale Value

Last sales value, added to lead

Total Income

It will show aggregated total income generated from the Contact (Lead).

Transaction Type

Refers to transaction type selected from Sale outcome, after successful sale. It can be:

  • Won → One time sales

  • Recurring → ongoing sales that occur periodically

  • Deposit → a sum paid as a first instalment on the purchase of something or as the balance being paid later

Sale Date

The date when sale occurred.

Product Name

Refers to a product or services sold. Product name should reflect the name of the products you've set in your payment processor, from which you will be able to pull transactions (payments) into iClosed (Learn more about Stripe integration. Alternatively you can connect any payment processor with the help of Zapier or Make).

Pro tips

Products can be added manually after every Sale outcome set or Deals from Contact Cards, but it's highly recommendable to add all of them all in Tracking → Products to keep your data clean and consistent, and for your sales people to use (select) when adding Sale outcomes.

Custom Contact Fields (Columns)

Custom Contact fields are iClosed feature that helps you create mini to-do checklists for yourself or your team members, or for any additional information you need to have about the lead on the file, while avoiding to oversaturate scheduler form, and more importantly get them overwhelmed on the entry.

Pro tips

In order to set up custom Contact fields navigate to Tracking → Custom Fields → Contacts tab.

Alternative way is to click on "Add column" on far right of the Global Data → Contacts page, but we highly recommend doing it from the Tracking menu, where you can see all already created fields, which will help you avoid creating duplicates.

Check out our articles that explain everything about Tracking feature and Creating custom Contact fields.

Custom fields are available with Business and Enterprise subscription plans.

Available Custom Contact Field formats

  • Short text

    • Perfect for short internal comments or comments about the lead

  • Long text

    • Excellent for internal feedback from Sales Manger to team members, on how to improve, which tactics to apply on the upcoming call, and vice versa, etc...

  • Checkbox

    • Very convenient for internal to do lists or lists of takeaways host cross-checked about the lead

  • Radio button

    • allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options.

  • Date and time

    • Good for collecting personal data about leads/customers, such as birthdays and anniversaries

  • Number

    • Excellent options for placing data in Number format, such as how much a lead spends similar products, etc...

  • User

    • Can have multiple selection.

    • Perfect for assigning and reassigning Users / Hosts for Appointment Setter to know who would be the best Closer for the specific Lead

Including Custom Contact field columns to Global Data view

Once you've created a custom field, you will be able to include column data to the

Global Data → Calls section by clicking on the "Columns" button and scrolling down bellow predefined Contact Fields.

Select the custom field, and keep creating new Global data views.

Custom Event Fields (Columns)

Event Custom Fields allow you to tailor event forms that visitors need to fill out per your specific needs, enhancing your event management capabilities.

Event fields are all custom questions you've ever created for your Events, when you were building Events or created in Tracking → Event fields

Pro tips

We highly recommend you to create Event custom fields in Tracking menu, where you can see already created fields, which will help you avoid creating duplicates.

Check out our articles that explain everything about Tracking feature and Creating Event Custom fields.

Available Custom Event Field formats

  • Short text

    • Perfect for brief responses, such as job titles

  • Long text

    • Excellent for for detailed inputs like project descriptions

  • Checkbox

    • for multiple selections if needed, such as services of interest.

  • Radio button

    • allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options. Good for for single-choice queries, such as selecting company size → “10-50 employees”

  • Date and time

    • for capturing specific dates and times (e.g. when was the last time you've used certain product type)

  • URL

    • for capturing company website links or prospects social network profiles

  • Number

    • Good for numeric inputs such as years of experience or team sizes

Including Custom Event field columns to Global Data view

Once you've created a Event custom field, you will be able to include column data to the

Global Data → Calls view by clicking on the "Columns" button and scrolling down bellow predefined Contact Fields and Custom Contact fields.

Select the custom field, and keep creating new Global data views.

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