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Appointment Setting explained

What is it, why it's important and how to utilize it efficiently

Updated over 3 months ago

Appointment Setting is one of four Global Data sections (other are Contacts, Calls and Deals), specially adjusted to see only data needed for each section.

Before we dive in, please make sure to go over Global Data introduction article, to ease the learning curve of this article.

About Appointment Setter

An Appointment Setter is a professional who schedules consultations between sales staff and prospective clients, ensuring that important meetings are booked for the sales team.

The role of an appointment setter is to convert inbound leads into strategy calls and, in other words, to turn leads into revenue.

This saves a lot of time for the sales representatives so they can focus on only having their appointments already scheduled in the calendar and focus on the sales.

Depending of the sales teams organization and their strategies, sales reps can also do the appointment setter job.

Appointment Setting View

This view is built to help you take advantage of the contacts captured by the scheduler, who engaged with your scheduler but didn't book a meeting:

  • Potential leads

  • Disqualified leads

  • Qualified leads

Setting an appointment

Follow the steps bellow:

  1. After contacting a lead by phone add an outcome in order to to set the appointment

  2. Click on Outcome and select → Approve → Select the event location →

    1. Choose Round-and-Robin to select host per event setup or

    2. Select a Specific Representative, by choosing host manually

    3. Add additional information in the form and notes for the sales teams to have available

    4. Pick a time a schedule the call and the invitee will receive booking confirmation by email and calendar invite.

Here's a quick video tutorial:

If the contact is not qualified or wish to not schedule another call with the sales team you can select "Rejected" as an Appointment Setting outcome.

Pro tips

Setting rejected outcome in Appointment Setting is a bit different from a scheduled call outcome. For example, if an outcome is added to a Discovery call as Rejected, you are able to add a rejection reasons as it was a scheduled call.

The outcome that you are adding from a appointment setting are for potential, qualified or disqualified and therefore, you will not be able to add a reason here.

Claim contacts to follow up with them later

Once a call outcome is added by someone who is Approved or Rejected, Setter will automatically be added as "setter owner" for this contact.

Sometimes, you'll want to claim a contact for later, or maybe the contact just didn't pick up the phone during your call attempt. Don't stress about it.
Claim this contact to make sure you own it, and no other setter will call them.

Go to the "current setter owner" column and use the drop-down

Assigning multiple contacts at once

If you just started your sales manager shift and you would like to attribute multiple contacts to one or multiple team members, iClosed helps you do it in just a few clicks.

Here's step-by-step guide:

  1. Click on "Unassigned" next to the "add filter" to display only the contact without a setter ownership

  2. Click on the check box next to the contact you would like to assign or in bulk
    (you can also select all contact in this view by clicking on Bulk select in the bar below)

  3. Click on Assign leads located in the bottom right of the page

  4. Select the users you'd like to assign the contact to ​(you can select one or multiple)

  5. Assign for → 24hours, 7 days or unlimited
    (This is the duration for how long you'd like to assign those contacts to the users)

Pro tips

If the users do not add outcomes to a contact during the selected time frame, the contact will go back as "unassigned". This is extremely useful while managing multiple appointment setters, to ensure no lead is left behind.

In case a setter forgot to call a lead and didn't set an outcome, this lead will be available to all other setters.

Pro tips

Use filters in the appointment setting view

  • search for leads that filled the form with specific answers and

  • follow the steps above.

  • This will help you make easier decisions when allocating right leads to the right setters

Switch to the Calls view

  • filter by the appointment setter and

  • review the call outcomes added by your sales team for each setter

  • This gives you a clear overview of setter performance, helping you measure effectiveness and identify training opportunities to boost your appointment setter team’s success rate

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