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Past calls

Learn everything you need to know about Past calls and why it's important to manage call outcomes timely

Updated over 2 months ago

Past calls are all calls that started or ended. As soon as the call starts, the Event switches from Upcoming calls to Past calls automatically, and remains there for a host to add a call outcome.

Pro tips

The most important aspect about Past calls is to add an outcome.
With outcome added after each and every call (or adding outcomes to all calls before the end of your work day) will help you understand how successful your sales team is or what can you improve in your process to close more deals.

All calls with pending outcomes will show "Add Outcome" button. After the outcome is added, you will see outcome type and details.

Positive outcomes will appear in green, while negative outcomes will appear in red, purple (bad fit and follow up scheduled) and yellow (other).

Depending on the type of event, there are two different types of outcomes.

  • Strategy call outcomes: "Sale" or "No Sale"

  • Discovery call outcomes: "Approved" or "Rejected"

Strategy call outcomes

Strategy call by definition is a sales call, and main outcomes are for tracking your sales and no sales results.


If a closer successfully closed a deal, he will mark the outcome of a call as "Sale".
Adding "Sale" outcome has two additional steps:

  1. Adding objections closer had to overcame with option to add notes
    super important for understanding what are the potential blockers in your sales process, or for understanding insights which closer is the best in overcoming specific challenges on sales calls.

  2. Adding deal value and date, product sold, and deal type (Won or Deposit)
    These details will help you track your revenue stream, and sales representative closing and engagement rates depending of the deal type selected.

No Sale

If a closer was not able to close a deal after the call, the outcome will be "No Sale".

Adding "No Sale" outcome also includes additional steps:

  1. Adding a no sale reason
    Very important for understanding the true reason for unsuccessful sale, that will provide you stats on what you may have to improve in your sales process (from introducing additional training for your sales representatives to understanding the perfect lead avatar and which group of prospects are less likely to convert).

  2. Adding additional objections - only for "Follow Up scheduled" and "Unqualified"
    These two reasons require additional information, while other "No Sale" reasons are self-explanatory, and as such, will not have this secondary option.

Discovery call outcomes

Discovery event types are available with Business and Enterprise subscription plans (learn more about iClosed pricing and feature breakdown here).

Discovery call types are specifically designed for Setters, to do a preliminary screening of a prospect, and to find out if it's the right fit for scheduling a call with the sales team.
This feature helps you save your Closer's time, by offloading their engagement with the potentially unqualified leads.

Pro tips

Setters will have additional options for reviewing and setting outcomes to leads who visited your scheduler, added phone number or email, but didn't schedule a call.

This feature is available in Global Data - Appointment Setting where setters will reach out to Potential, Qualified or Disqualified leads manually to try to re-engage and review if any of them is a warm or hot lead material (check out Appointment Setting explained article here).


After a Setter vetted that a lead is a good fit for scheduling a sales call, he will select "Approved" outcome and have two additional steps to take before passing the lead to the Closer.

  1. Selecting Strategy call event and host (by selecting host randomly - round and robin or manually choosing specific host)

  2. Selecting date and time of the sales call per leads preference


This outcome will be selected if the lead is not the right fit. This outcome comes with additional steps, similar to "No Sale" with Strategy calls, where a Setter would need to select reasons for rejection (No Show, Not Interested, Bad Fit, Other).

Pro tips

Past call outcomes offer additional option to switch the call type or a host before adding an outcome.

For example, this is a perfect solution if an under-qualified lead ended up scheduling a Strategy (sales) call, and setter took over hosting a call after sales manager reviewed lead answers on the form.
Instead of setting false outcome and allocating hosting efforts to user who didn't participate on a call, simply switch the call type and change host owner before adding a final outcome (learn more about the feature here).

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