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Objections overcame pie-chart
Objections overcame pie-chart

Widget that provides quick insights into the most common objections faced on sales calls, for both Sale and No Sale Strategy call outcomes

Updated over 3 months ago

The Objections overcame pane in the Analytics dashboard gives you a pie-chart breakdown of all objections, depending if you selected "Sale" and "No Sale" filter.

Understanding of the objections your sales team had to overcome on the calls, no matter if they had closed a deal (outcome "Sale") or not ("No Sale" outcome) will help you identify patterns in sales process easier, so you can provide the targeted training and improve closing results.

As with all other sections on the Analytics dashboard data presented in this widget will show according to the date range filters and data source filters selected (Global Data - all account data or for a specific Event)

Sale objections breakdown

This widget filter will show data on the total number of "Sale" outcomes (that equals the total number of objections by default), for the selected top menu filters:

  • Money
    Lead stressed out financial issues, or cost of the product/service, but Closer overcame it successfully

  • Logistics
    Lead stressed out that things outside his reach are affecting him to convert, but Closer overcame it successfully and closed the deal

  • Partner
    Lead needed approval from other person, such as partner, but Closer was able to close the deal in the end

  • Fear
    Lead wasn't sure if the service or product would benefit his needs, but Closer was able to reassure him and closed the deal

  • Smoke screen
    Closer was able to negotiate and close a deal even though Lead didn't want to admit real objection

  • No objection
    A perfect lead in theory, who knew what he wants, and converted without troubles

No Sale objections breakdown

The objections for "No Sale" outcomes are available with only two "No Sale" reasons
(as per default outcome setup), the Follow Up and Unqualified reasons:

  • Money
    Finances were the deal breaker. Lack of budget

  • Logistics
    Lead wasn't able to make a decision because of the outside factor

  • Partner
    Lead was not a decision maker

  • Fear
    Lead is concerned if the product/service is going to be able to help his business, and hesitant about converting

  • Smoke screen
    When a lead doesn't want to admit the real objection or concern

  • No objection
    Other not defined objections, such as lack of need or lack of urgency

Quick access to filtered lead list

This widget also provides you with quick access to the previewed Global Data list, by clicking on any of the textual fields (specific objection) or on any of the parts of
the pie chart, without leaving the Analytics page.

Additional options inside the mini-Global data are:

  • adjusting the columns

  • exporting of the file for this specific view and

  • to take a shortcut to the Global Data menu, with same filters as in mini-view applied automatically

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