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Troubleshooting - Super Admin guide
Troubleshooting - Super Admin guide

Learn how to troubleshoot your or users Calendars, Availability and Events

Updated over 3 weeks ago

This is a step-by-step troubleshooting guide for Super Admin's, for learning how to identify why their team member is unavailable, or why the hosts aren't getting enough calls during a day.

#1 - Troubleshooting Event Availability

This is a starting point, that will provide you with exact reason what's blocking the user, and point you to the right direction.

  1. Find the Event you would like to troubleshoot and

  2. Click on "View Booking Page" button

Booking page will open in new tab, with your scheduler, and the next step is to launch a troubleshooter by clicking on the "Troubleshoot Event" button (no need for filling out a form).

Next steps are:

  1. Select a specific date from the calendar on the left that you'd like to troubleshoot

  2. Scroll the right side bar to see:

    1. available slots per time increments

    2. general information about slot availability
      partially (with number of available and unavailable slots) or
      if a slot is available for all hosts

    3. Click on ​"More details" to see which host is booked at the specific time, and which host is available

    4. Specific reason for slot not being available for a specific host

You will see labels with reasons why a host is not available for the specific day or a slot, show in red, which will point you to the right direction to understand what's blocking them and what to adjust if needed. Here're examples of the most common reasons:

  • Pending Invite = The host has not yet accepted the invite to join iClosed
    (scroll down to the next step to learn how to reinvite the user - step #2)

  • Unavailable = Slot is unavailable for the host
    (troubleshoot availability - see step #3a)

  • Busy on Calendar = Hosts Google Calendar event with "Busy" status is blocking the slot (use availability troubleshooter to see which private event is blocking the host - check step #3b below)

  • Event Duration = Duration of event is longer than the host is available time between events (check event setup - see step #4 below)

  • Blocked by Rule = Host was removed from the event as per Automation - Rule set (see step #5 below)

Pro tips

Estimated available slots for today will show in the event setup as well, from where you'll also be able to launch the troubleshooter.

#2 - Resending invite link to the user

  1. If the user is still in Pending Invite status, copy the invite link and send it to the user via any available channel (email, SMS, WhatsApp, Slack...)

#3 - Check users Availability with the troubleshooter

3a) Availability

Navigate to AI Scheduler → Availability and check following:

  1. If Availability - days and hours are set correctly

  2. If you are added as a host of the Event where you expect to get calls

  3. If the proper time zone is set set

  4. If there're any Override dates added, that will override your standard availability

If all is good with these four and the issue you're experiencing still persists, please proceed to the next step.

3b) Launch Availability troubleshooter

Availability troubleshooter works exactly the same for both Super Admins and Users.

The only difference is that Super Admins have permissions to switch Availability page between all account Users, while user can see it's own availability only.

  1. Click on the "Launch troubleshooter" button

  2. Select Events you would like to troubleshoot. Options are:

    1. leaving "All Events" by default or

    2. selecting a specific event or events and click on the "Apply" button

  3. You'll be able to see following details:

    1. Day start and day end hours:
      Those are the start and end hours set in Availability on the left.
      The report will show you calendar events that are impacting your availability.

    2. Meeting participants:
      if a call is booked

    3. Source for the blocked Availability

      1. iClosed: availability taken by an Event from iClosed scheduler

      2. Calendar: availability blocked by Google Calendar event

    4. Event details:
      picked up from the iClosed or Google Calendar event name

3c) How Closers and Setters can troubleshoot their calendars if the problem

How your User (Closer) can remove private calendar from iClosed

In case a user connected more than one Calendar to your iClosed account:

  1. Check for conflicts

  2. See if you have other Calendars to check against conflicts

  3. Turn off Secondary calendars to prevent blocking availability

One-off Event from secondary Calendar is blocking my slot

In case you'd like to keep the private calendar, and want to update the status of the event in your Google Calendar, follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the event in your Google Calendar and click on it

  2. Click on the pencil to edit

  3. make this event "Free", instead of "Busy"

  4. Hit "Save"

iClosed will then automatically count you as "available" for this particular time slot.

#4 - Check Event setup

In case you've seen that a reason for a user not to receive calls because of the event setup (for example Event duration, Buffer, Too Soon...), here's a guide on how to check your event setup and adjust if needed.

  1. Select the Event you would like to troubleshoot

  2. Click on the event to open event setup

Host Priority

Priority may be one of the reasons why you're not getting enough calls.

Hosts are ranked by priority (High, Medium, Low) and the system begins by sorting hosts from highest to the lowest priority.

If there are more than two hosts, and your priority allocation is the lowest, as long as there are available slots for hosts with higher priority, the system will be assigning meetings to them first.

Event Time & Limits - check "Guest cannot schedule within"

Check if the scheduling limit set is affecting your availability for the current day and time.

For example, if the "Guest can't schedule within" is set to 1+ day/s, and your hosts do not have enough calls on the current day, maybe you should think about reducing the time/date range. This will allow leads to schedule calls on the same day (for example, 2-3 hours before the call), which will help keeping your Hosts fully occupied.

Event Time & Limits - check "Add time before and after an event"

Check if you have set buffer times before and/or after event, that may be affecting your hosts availability.


Host total availability is 8 hours today and call duration is set for 30 mins.

Buffer before the meeting is set to 5 minutes.

Buffer after the meeting is set to 5 minutes.

This means that your Event setup will take 40 minutes for every event booked, meaning that maximum number of calls you will be able to take today (in perfect scenario) is 12 calls.

The longer the buffer between and after call is set, the less number of calls you will be able to have during the day. Buffer times in combination with Start time increments can reduce number of calls even more.

For example, if time increments are set to 30 minutes, with meeting duration time and buffers before and after the call (e.g. 40 minutes), every call will block of two 30 minute slots of in your scheduler.

Event Time & Limits - check "Start time increments"

Start time increments can affect the number of available slots during the work day as well, and must be aligned in accordance to meeting duration setup.

Example 1 - meeting duration is 15 minutes

If the meeting duration is 15 minutes. the advisable setup for start time increments is 15 minutes.

This means that the calls will be available on every 15 minutes, maximizing the number of calls a host can take daily.

In case you'd like to prevent back-to-back calls, leaving time for your hosts to update notes and set outcomes after every call, set a buffer after a call 5-10 minutes, depending of how much time they need.

Example 2 - meeting duration is 45 minutes

When a meeting duration is set to 45 minutes, there are several options on how you should set Start time increments depending of your preference:

  1. Start time increments: 15 minutes - most optimized setup, ensuring highest number of calls booked during the day

  2. Start time increments: 30 minutes - with every 45 minute call booked, the slot will take an hour of hosts availability. Good for leaving room to a host to update outcomes and summarize meeting notes before the next call

  3. Start time increments: 60 minutes - even though it may look "prettier" in your calendar to show slots rounded on every hour, this kind of a setup may reduce the number of available slots if a host has time blocked off in his private calendar that doesn't start and end on the hour

Conditional Routing

This may also be the reason why a specific host is not getting enough calls, since conditional routing sits on top of the Hosts Priority in the algorithm hierarchy.

If the conditional routing is turned on, and there are no prospects with specific conditions for the host to take, or a host isn't part of the conditional routing options while other hosts are, such user will be not be getting any calls.

Conditional routing is available with Business and Enterprise subscription plans only (learn more about iClosed pricing here).

Learn more about Conditional routing here.

#5 - Automations - Rules

Even though automations are not part of Event features, they are connected and may affect lack of slots available.

Automations (Rules & Workflows) are available with Business and Enterprise subscription plans only (see full feature and pricing breakdown here).

Navigate to AI Scheduler → Automations → Rules and check if there's a rule set that is blocking the host to get more calls.

If the rule is set, click on it to see all details and inspect in depth which users are affected by the rule and if they have met the condition set in the rule.


If the Rule → "Maximum number of calls" or "Stop Loss" has been set for a specific host, and the condition has been met, the user will be automatically blocked to from receiving new calls, for the specific event to which the rule is applied.

If this is the case, and you'd like to allow the user to continue to receive meetings booked, simply "reset" the rule to restart the counter.

In case you were still not able to find what's blocking availability of your hosts, reach out immediately to our Customer Support team via chat button in the bottom right corner, and we'll troubleshoot and get it sorted out for you quickly.

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