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Step-by-step instructions on how to connect iClosed with Close CRM

Updated over 4 months ago

By connecting iClosed with your Close CRM, all updates made in iClosed will seamlessly transfer to your CRM, without putting in any extra effort.

Close CRM integration is available with Business/Enterprise subscription plans.

Here's how to connect it, map the fields and even examples of the triggers we're using.

Connecting Close with iClosed

Navigate to Integrations page and click on "Connect" button.

  1. New confirmation window will appear, and click on "Integrate" button

  2. Enter your Close CRM login information

  3. And grant access to iClosed, and once you click "Allow"

  4. you will be directed back to iClosed to complete the configuration

Mapping fields

Once you're back in iClosed to complete your configuration, you'll have two options to choose from in order to complete this process:

Automatic Integration

  • iClosed will automatically map the fields to Close

  • A quicker option, but there is a chance of incorrect mapping in case you're using different than default Close CRM fields for this type of information

Fields that will be mapped automatically are:

  1. Event name

  2. Location

  3. Closer email

  4. Outcome

  5. No Sale reason

  6. Objection

  7. Start time

Once you connect these automatically, you can add more custom fields by clicking on the "Add Custom Field" button. See video tutorial below, in the Manual Field Mapping.

Manual Field Mapping

  • Takes a little bit longer to connect everything

  • But, you will confirm mapping of every field

No matter the option you choose, we advise you to test out the integration, by:

  • Selecting the event which has all or most of the form fields

  • Checking the booking page and filling out answers

  • Scheduling a call and changing call outcomes in iClosed (e.g. to cancel a call or wait until call goes to Past and selecting Sale/No Sale outcome

Here's a quick tutorial on how to map fields manually, and how to create additional, custom fields to map with field from Close.

  1. Select field to connect by clicking on field column drop down menu

    1. e.g. Event Name field β†’ Select Event Name or Location β†’ Location

    2. Repeat the process for all seven predefined fields

  2. Add Custom field if needed, by clicking on "Add Custom Field"

    1. Enter the field name

    2. Confirm by clicking on "Create field"

  3. Select Close field to map with newly created Custom field

    1. the video below is showing "Host Email" field as example

Once you're done, you can always go back to Integrations page and edit mapping settings by clicking on "View Configuration" button.

Testing integration

Let's test it out real quick. Here's the step-by-step guide.

  1. Select the most suitable event for testing purposes (usually the one with most of the custom fields created for the Invitee form questions and answers

  2. Click on the "View Booking page" to access live scheduler

  3. Enter form information and schedule a call

  4. Navigate to Close CRM and check is data mapped as expected

If not, you can always go back to Integrations page and edit mapping settings by clicking on "View Configuration" button.

Additionally, before deleting "testing lead" from your iClosed and Close account, you can change lead status, or add outcomes, to double check if this information is going to show up as well (only if you've previously mapped or created such fields of course).

Pro tips

As soon as the lead fills out phone number or email (depending of which of these two is set as primary invitee question) and enters name, iClosed will catch data and send it to Global Data and to your Close CRM.

Such lead will be tagged as "Potential", until it's qualified or disqualified later.

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