By connecting iClosed with Pipedrive CRM you will be able to seamlessly transfer most important data to your CRM.
Pipedrive integration is available with Business and Enterprise subscription plans (learn more about iClosed pricing and feature breakdown here).
See below detailed tutorial on how to connect it, data you'll receive from iClosed, including detailed guidelines where the data will be mapped inside the Pipedrive.
How to connect Pipedrive with iClosed
Step-by-step guide
Navigate to
Locate the Pipedrive integration card and click on the "Connect" button
Enter login details for your Pipedrive account or
in case you have Pipedrive open in any other tab, iClosed will read it automatically and log you inMake sure to accept all permissions for iClosed to access Pipedrive account and click on the "Allow and Install" button
Once it's connected, you will be able to see time and date of connection by clicking on the "View Configuration" button
As soon as the integration is complete, you will receive notification from Pipedrive as well, that your account has been updated.
Testing integration
Test out integration between iClosed and Pipedrive CRM by following next steps:
Navigate to
AI Scheduler → Events, click to open any scheduler from the Event page and book a call
Switch to your Pipedrive account
Navigate to "Lead" or "Activity" or "Contacts" on the left sidebar
Contact that booked a call in iClosed will show up with all details about the call
As shown in the video above, you will be able to access all call details by clicking on the activity.
Pro tips
Leads will be assigned to Pipedrive users properly if login emails for logging into iClosed and Pipedrive both match on both ends.
In case a prospect schedules a call with the host that is not added as a user in Pipedrive (or login email doesn't match), lead will be created but will be assigned automatically to the account owner (user who integrated Pipedrive with iClosed).
Additionally, leads who do not book a call (Potential, Disqualified, Qualified) will be assigned to the Pipedrive account owner by default.
Data transferred from iClosed to Pipedrive
Data sent per iClosed lead statuses
When the prospect enters a phone number or email but doesn't finish the form.
Data transferred - Leads page
Data transferred - Leads page
Lead fields
Title/Contact person
phone number - if that is set on your primary form page
prefix of the email address - if email is set on your primary page
Lead created - date and time when the prospect was created in Pipedrive
Updated time - latest update time
Next activity - will show "No activity" per default
Owner - Pipedrive owner who integrated account with iClosed
Creator - Pipedrive user who connected account with iClosed
Source channel ID - iClosed
Person fields
phone number - if that is set on your primary form page
prefix of the email address - if email is set on your primary page
First name
phone number - if that is set on your primary form page
prefix of the email address - if email is set on your primary page
Last name - will remain empty
Email - if email is entered
Phone - if phone number is entered
Total activities - 0 by default, but increasing with every new call booked
Activities to do - 0 by default
Person created - date and time when lead was created in iClosed
Next activity date - empty by default
Updated time - date and time of the latest update in Pipedrive
Owner - Pipedrive user who connected account with iClosed
Data transferred - Contacts page
Data transferred - Contacts page
phone number - if that is set on your primary form page
prefix of the email address - if email is set on your primary page
First name
phone number - if that is set on your primary form page
prefix of the email address - if email is set on your primary page
Last name - will remain empty
Email - if email is entered on first page of the form
Phone - if phone number is entered on first page of the form
Person created - date and time when lead was created in iClosed
Next activity date - will remain empty by default
Updated time - date and time of the latest update in Pipedrive
Total activities - 0 by default, but increasing with every new call booked
Activities to do - 0 by default
Owner - Pipedrive user who connected account with iClosed
Pro tips
"Potential" are leads are the leads who didn't complete the form. In order for data to be sent to Pipedrive has to populate mandatory fields on their end, and Contact name is one of them.
That being said, "Title" and "Contact" person fields in Pipedrive will be populated with primary information collected (phone number or email depending of your event setup).
Such leads will be auto-updated in Pipedrive → Leads page if they visit scheduler again and their status in iClosed changes to Qualified, Disqualified or they schedule a call.
Qualified / Disqualified
Qualified leads:
Prospects who have filled out the whole form, but for some reason didn't book a call.
Disqualified leads:
Leads who have filled out the form, but couldn't book a call due to your disqualification criteria set.
Data transferred - Leads page
Data transferred - Leads page
Lead fields
Title/Contact name - Full prospect name collected by iClosed
Lead created - date and time when the prospect was created in Pipedrive
Updated time - latest update time
Next activity - "No Activity" warning message by default
Owner - Pipedrive user who connected account with iClosed
Creator - Pipedrive user who connected account with iClosed
Source channel ID - iClosed
Person fields
Name - Full prospect name collected by iClosed
First name
Last name
Total activities - 0 by default, but increasing with every new call booked
Activities to do - 0 by default
Person created - date and time when lead was created in iClosed
Next activity date - empty by default
Updated time - date and time of the latest update in Pipedrive
Owner - Piperive user who connected account with iClosed
Data transferred - Contacts page
Data transferred - Contacts page
Name - Full prospect name collected by iClosed
First name
Last name
Person created - date and time when lead was created in iClosed
Next activity date - will remain empty by default
Updated time - date and time of the latest update in Pipedrive
Total activities - 0 by default, but increasing with every new call booked
Activities to do - 0 by default )
Owner - Piperive user who connected account with iClosed
Strategy or Discovery call booked
Leads who booked a call, no matter if it's a Strategy (sales) or Discovery (setters) call type.
Data transferred - Leads page
Data transferred - Leads page
Lead fields
Title - Full prospect name collected by iClosed
Lead created - date and time when the prospect was created in Pipedrive
Updated time - latest update time
Next activity - upcoming call time and date
Owner - iClosed/Pipedrive user (call host)
Creator - Pipedrive user who connected account with iClosed
Source channel ID - iClosed
Person fields
Name - Full prospect name collected by iClosed
First name
Last name
Total activities - increasing with every new call booked
Activities to do - upcoming call scheduled (to be checked by user in Pipedrive)
Person created - date and time when lead was created in iClosed
Next activity date - date of the latest call (will be removed after the call is completed from "Activities to do" in Pipedrive)
Updated time - date and time of the latest update in Pipedrive
Owner - iClosed/Pipedrive user (call host)
Data transferred - Activity page
Data transferred - Activity page
Activity fields
Assigned to user - iClosed/Pipedrive user (call host)
Subject - Meeting title according to the Event notifications - Confirmation email setup (that will be also event name in Google Calendar)
Duration - meeting duration set in iClosed Event setup
Type - Call by default, Meeting as per Pipedrive - Google Calendar setup
Due date - date and time of the call
Location - depending of the event setup in iClosed:
Google Meet or Zoom link or
Lead phone number if phone is set as meeting location
Note - text from Confirmation email subject and body set in iClosed Event setup
Contact person - Full prospect name collected by iClosed
Add time - Call creation time and date
Public description - for Meeting type in Pipedrive only - Confirmation email body from iClosed Confirmation email
Person fields
Name - Full prospect name collected by iClosed
First name
Last name
Total activities - increasing with every new call booked
Activities to do - upcoming call scheduled (to be checked by user in Pipedrive)
Person created - date and time when lead was created in iClosed
Next activity date - date of the latest call (will be removed after the call is completed from "Activities to do" in Pipedrive)
Updated time - date and time of the latest update in Pipedrive
Owner - iClosed/Pipedrive user (call host)
Data transferred - Contacts page
Data transferred - Contacts page
Name - Full prospect name collected by iClosed
First name
Last name
Person created - date and time when lead was created in iClosed
Next activity date - date of the latest call (will be removed after the call is completed from "Activities to do" in Pipedrive)
Updated time - date and time of the latest update in Pipedrive
Total activities - increasing with every new call booked
Activities to do - upcoming call scheduled (to be checked by user in Pipedrive)
Owner - iClosed/Pipedrive user (call host)
Data sent per additional actions in iClosed
Whenever a deal is added in iClosed it will be sent to Pipedrive, no matter if the deal was added along with "Sale" outcome or from the prospect contact card.
Added deals will appear in Pipedrive Deals page under following sections:
Data transferred - List
Data transferred - List
Deal fields
Status - Won
Title - "Deal -iClosed - {lead first name}"
Contact Person - Full prospect name collected by iClosed
Deal created - Date and time when the deal was created in iClosed
Won time/Deal closed on - Date when deal was closed
Product name - product name from iClosed
Product amount - from iClosed
Product quantity - increasing with every Sale outcome added
Value - amount sold in currency from iClosed
Currency - USD, EUR or CHF pulled from iClosed
Stage - Qualified per Pipedrive default pipeline setup no matter if you've renamed the pipeline step or not
Owner - Lead owner in Pipedrive from Contacts page
Person fields
Name - Full prospect name collected by iClosed
First name
Last name
Won/Closed deals - number of deals added from Past calls "Sale" outcomes and from Pipedrive
Total activities - increasing with every new call booked or deal added
Activities to do - upcoming call scheduled (to be checked by user in Pipedrive) or deal added
Person created - date and time when lead was created in iClosed
Updated time - date and time of the latest update in Pipedrive
Owner - iClosed/Pipedrive user (call host)
Pro tips
If a deal is added to prospect in iClosed that wasn't transferred to Pipedrive earlier (e.g. didn't interact with the scheduler), such lead will appear in Pipedrive in:
Leads section - as new lead created on same date as the deal was added
Contacts section - with all information about the lead
Deal section - with deal details
Call scheduled from Global Data
If you schedule a call from Global Data all information about the lead and the call will appear in your Activity tab as explained in the Strategy and Discovery call booked section of this article.
Call rescheduled from Upcoming calls or Global Data pages
No matter if you reschedule a call from the AI Scheduler - Upcoming calls page or
Global Data - Contact Card in iClosed, updates will be sent to your Pipedrive account to Activity section with fields populated as explained in the Strategy and Discovery call booked section of this article.
Owner changed
Changing of Closer owners for upcoming calls in iClosed Contact Card will make the change in Pipedrive Activity section.
Call was originally scheduled with closer Jovan
But the ownership and the call has been transferred to Billy
Following additional activities will be created in Pipedrive
Cancelled activity for previous owner/user
New activity (Updated) for newly selected owner/user
Will changes to the iClosed contact card be updated in Pipedrive?
Will changes to the iClosed contact card be updated in Pipedrive?
Contact card edits, such as phone number change, email and name changes will not be transferred to Pipedrive with the current integration version. We have that improvement on our product road map already - coming soon.
As a workaround, you can use Zapier or Make automations - Contact detail changed trigger, that will fire out whenever a detail is updated in the prospect contact card, such as:
Prospect name
Email or phone number change
Adding secondary email and phone number
and even status update
How can I send Call outcomes and to update Pipeline in Pipedrive?
How can I send Call outcomes and to update Pipeline in Pipedrive?
As per current integration version whenever iClosed Sale outcome is added, data will be tagged as Won status in Pipedrive and lead will be added to "Qualified" stage by default.
We've made it this way because Pipedrive is know for it's customization capabilities which provides every account owner to customize Pipeline.
Data that you will transfer per current integration version:
Sale outcome from iClosed = Won status in Pipedrive
Sale outcome from iClosed = Qualified stage in Pipedrive (on List section inside the Pipeline)
Data that will not be transferred per current integration version:
No Sale outcome from iClosed
Approved/Rejected Discovery calls from iClosed
Lead statuses, including status changes in iClosed
In case you'd like to have this updated in Pipedrive, you can set it up via Zapier or Make workflows in few simple steps:
Start with iClosed trigger Call outcome
Action Search Deals in Pipedrive to identify has Won has been added
Route per results to update Pipeline and Deal status in Pipedrive
Add actions Update a deal in Pipedrive via routes depending of the outcome and objection in iClosed. For example:
No sale
Follow up scheduled
Not qualified
No show
Why are my events being duplicated in the Google Calendar?
Why are my events being duplicated in the Google Calendar?
This may happen only if you have turned on Calendar Sync in Pipedrive user account settings.
iClosed is the primary tool for booking calls in your Google Calendar and to avoid duplicates deactivate following in "Sync these Pipedrive activities to calendar":