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Invitee questions - Event custom fields
Invitee questions - Event custom fields

Learn all about how to create and manage Invitee questions from Tracking menu

Updated over a month ago

The Invitee questions (also known as Event custom fields) are the questions that will be displayed on your scheduler form, for your leads to answer before they are able to schedule a call.

Event custom fields, or custom Invitee questions are actually secondary questions on your form, that you can customize, and that will appear only once the lead fills out the primary questions, such as phone number or email and name.

Business and Enterprise subscription plan users will have additional menu for storing and tracking of all Invitee questions as Event custom fields in Tracking menu.

This additional menu provides you the full overview of all created invitee questions, that will help you to avoid creating duplicates, and as end result, keep your stats accurate.

On top of that, you will be able to utilize data from Event custom fields in the
Global Data columns, to apply filters on it and analyze your data in more detail.

Tracking - Event custom fields overview

Once you enter Tracking → Event Custom Fields page, you will be able to see following data and options:

  1. Invitee question name

  2. Is the Invitee question assigned to any of your events

    1. If YES, it will show the name of the primary event
      with additional number of events the question has been used in

    2. if NO, the column will remain empty

  3. Date when the field has been created

  4. Use count refers to the number of times the question has been added to events

  5. Merge field option, for removing duplicates while keeping the data in place

  6. Edit field option for updating all information inside the field, except the format

Alternatively, you can create Custom invitee questions in the Event builder, within the Invitee Questions section, but if you're a Business/Enterprise subscription plan user, we highly recommend creating them in the Tracking menu.

Important Notes

Tracking → Custom fields is accessible to Super Admin and Sales Manager roles by default.

Also, kindly note that there's no "delete custom field" option, since it's important to keep all of your historical data intact. Merging duplicates solves all potentially duplicated entries, while keeping all data in place.

Available field formats

Visual overview of all field types in scheduler form

Short text

Perfect for brief responses, such as job titles or education information.

Long text

Excellent for for detailed inputs like project descriptions.


For for multiple selection options, such as services of interest

Radio button

Single selection format field, that allows the user to choose only one of a predefined answers (options) set of mutually exclusive options. Good for for single-choice queries, such as selecting company size → “10-50 employees”

Date and time

for capturing specific dates and times (e.g. when was the last time you've used certain product type)


For capturing website or prospects social network account links.


Good for numeric inputs such as years of experience or team sizes

How to create an Invitee custom question?

  1. Navigate to Tracking → Event Custom Fields and click on the "New Event Custom Field" button

  2. New window will open from which you can select Field format type

  3. Once you select it, add Field name

How to edit an Invitee custom question?

  1. Navigate to Tracking → Event Custom Fields and locate the question you'd like to edit

  2. click on the "Pencil" button on the far right of your screen

  3. New window will open from which you can edit

    1. Field name

    2. Field options name or to hide them

  4. Once you're done with editing, you'd need to confirm you're agreeing to changes that will affect all events the custom question has been added to
    "I agree that this change will be applied to each event where this custom filed is being used."

  5. As soon as the confirmation checkbox is marked, you'll be able to finish editing by clicking on the "Edit field" button

How to include already created custom questions into event Invitee questions form?

  1. Navigate to AI Scheduler → Events and choose between:

    1. Editing an existing event, by clicking on it to open Event Builder or

    2. Creating new event from scratch
      In case you choose this option, you'd need to complete Event Details and Host details first, before being able to access Invitee Questions section.

  2. Select Invitee Questions section

  3. Click on "Add new question" button

  4. Select question field format first

  5. Click on the Question box for already created Custom questions to appear
    Kindly note that available custom questions for selection will appear according to the question field format selected (see step #4)

  6. Select previously created questions and add by clicking on the "Add question" button

Once you're done, check out how your form looks by clicking on the "View booking page" button on top.

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