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No sale reasons dashboard
No sale reasons dashboard

Understand the no sale reasons easier and optimize your sales process in order to increase conversion rates

Updated over 3 months ago

Negative sale outcomes come with the job, but with iClosed "No Sale" reasons detailed breakdown in the Analytics dashboard, you can turn odds in your favor.

When examining the "No Sale" reasons pane you will be able to see totals for every reason, according to the selected period of time and data source, you will be able to understand better if you'd need to improve lead qualification process to reduce "Unqualified" for example, or to organize focused sales trainings based on the most common no sale reasons.

Before you start, set up filters on the top of the Analytics page for the data you'd like to analyze (date range filters and data source - Global Data or specific Event).

No sale reasons stats

The No Sale reasons section will show data in the dynamic bar chats, with reasons separated visually in different shades of blue.

All stats and details will appear on the card that will show once you hover of the specific section of the bar. The card will show you:

  • Dot in color and shade of blue according to the No Sale reason

  • Total number of reasons according to the bar-part you're hovering over

  • Date or date range for the card in the bar section you're hovering over

  • Percentage showing increase or decrease in number of No Sale reasons

    • compared to previous period that is defined according to the range selected from inside the pane (day, week, month, quarter or year)

    • increase will show in green, decrease in red

Kindly note that the "Day" option will be removed when date range filter is set for more than 3 months, to avoid bars being cluttered.

No Show and Follow Up scheduled

These two categories indicate that a sale wasnโ€™t achieved yet, but the potential for closing a deal still exists, and therefore, both will appear in dark blue, but slightly different shades.

Follow Up scheduled will appear in dark blue with higher density, while No Show will appear in less dense shade of dark blue.

Cancelled calls

Reasons for these No Sale outcomes will appear in balanced shade of blue, and it will include both contact (selected as reason per instructions received from the lead) and admin cancelled (call was cancelled internally) reasons.

Kindly note that this bar will not show stats for the Upcoming calls cancelled by Super Admin or lead from the Confirmation email option.

Inside of the card, you'll see the number breakdown between contact or admin reasons.

Unqualified and Not interested

These two "No Sale" reasons will be colored with different density of light blue, and we've grouped them together since both indicate that leads didn't have the potential to convert.

Unqualified will appear in higher density of light blue, while Not interested will appear as less dense shade of light blue.

Quick access to filtered lead list

Sections inside of the bars are interactive, meaning that if you click on any of the sections, you will quickly access filtered lead list without leaving the Analytics page and doing the filtering yourself in the Global Data menu.

Additionally, you will be able to access additional options inside of this preview screen:

Totals for the selected date range

This bar chart comes with additional horizontal ribbon at the bottom, with totals per No Sale reason shown, according to the main page filters (date range and data source):

  • Follow Up

  • No Show

  • Cancelled

  • Unqualified

  • Not Interested

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