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Analytics - Users (Closer and Setter) view
Analytics - Users (Closer and Setter) view

Get to know with iClosed dashboard that will provide you insights to all stats you need to track

Updated over 2 months ago

iClosed users Analytics dashboard is specifically tailored to deliver everything a user needs, with the key insights that matter the most, that will keep your user focused and informed without being overwhelmed with details.

Users (Closers and Setters) will have exclusive access to the Analytics page by default, meaning that they will be able to see limited number of panes, with their own stats only, unlike Super Admin and Sales Manager roles who are able to see all account stats.

Dashboard views differ between subscription plans, and that goes for Closer/Setter user roles as well.

The main difference is the access to Sales breakdown pane, for which Business subscription plan users have access to, unlike Startup subscription plan users.

Learn more about the difference between Startup subscription plan and Business and Enterprise subscription plans here.

Main Analytics page filters will also differ between user roles. While users with the Super Admin and Sales Manager role permissions will have access to the date range and data source ( Global Data - all data and specific Event) filters, other users with default (exclusive) permissions will have the access to date range only.

Date range filter

The date range filter helps you analyze stats and performance by applying specific date range or predefined date ranges (filter will be set to "Last seven days" by default).

On the left, you will be able to select predefined filters, such as today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 3 months, last 6 months and last 12 months.

In addition to predefined filters, you will be able to click on any start and end date per your preference in order to set custom date range.

On the bottom you will see the selected date range, with additional options to "Reset" filter, "Cancel" selected filter button and "Apply" selected filter button.

Pro tips

  • Selected date range filter will be automatically considered as "the previous period of time" inside of the panes, for which your stats will be compared to.

  • Date range filter will be applied to all Analytics sections
    (except the Daily occupancy pane, that looks in the future - available to super admins and sales managers).

  • In case date range filter is longer than account creation date, the date when account has been created will be set as start date.

Strategy call outcomes section

The main pane for all Closers to focus on first and analyze their ratio between

"Sale" and "No Sale" call outcomes. On top of that, users will be able to see if there are outcomes that are pending to be added.

This pane comes with additional predefined filters (Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year), that will break down and present bars per selected, and according to the date range filters set above.

Stats available in this pane are:

  • "Sale" outcomes in dark blue

  • "No Sale" outcomes in red

  • Number of pending outcomes in light blue

  • Date range selected inside the pane (Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year)

  • Increase (green) or decrease (red) in outcome statuses

The horizontal bar at the bottom of the pane, where totals are shown for each of the statuses, according to the main filters, for the date range selected:

  • Total calls scheduled for the selected period and data source

  • Number of "Sale" outcomes out of total scheduled calls

  • Number of "No Sale" outcomes out of total scheduled calls

  • Number of pending outcomes out of total scheduled calls

Learn more about Strategy call outcomes here.

Closing, Engagement, and Show-Up Rates

The Closing, Engagement, and Show-Up rates are super-valuable metrics for any sales representative, as they directly represent effectiveness and sales success overall.

No sale reasons

Understanding "No Sale" reasons will give you the most common reason for unsuccessful call outcome, pinpointing most frequent reasons.

You can use this data for unveiling where individual improvement is needed in order to reduce such outcomes in the future, or even to raise attention to your sales manager about improving lead qualification process.

This section also comes with additional predefined filters (Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year), that will break down and present bars per selected, and in accordance to the date range filters set on the top of the Analytics page.

Here's the breakdown of stats you'll be able to see in this pane:

  • No Show" and Follow Up scheduled" reasons in dark blue

    • Increased number of no shows may indicate that your sales manager needs to look into the process setup, adjust notifications, or keep calendar opened for less number of days.

    • Increased number of follow up scheduled may indicate that you may need more time on the call with the lead in order to close the deal

  • All cancelled calls in balanced blue

    • A lot of cancelled calls usually means that lead qualification process needs refinement

    • Unless the calls were cancelled because of some outside of sales process reason, like sudden personal leave of closer, without ability for others to step in

  • All unqualified and not interested selected reasons in light blue

    • for unqualified, could mean that the lead quality is low or the lead qualification process needs adjustments

    • and for not interested, it could mean that the marketing campaign is targeting wrong audience or the lead quality is low

Additionally, you will have options to select date range on how you would like to see data inside the pane (Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year) and to see increase (in green) or decrease (red) in "No Sale" reasons.

The selected date range filter will be automatically considered as "the previous period of time" inside of the panes, for which your stats will be compared to.

Last, but not the least important information. The horizontal bar at the bottom of the pane will show totals for each of the "No Sale" reason, according to the date range filters on top of the page:

  • Total Follow Up

  • Total No Show

  • Total Cancelled

  • Total Unqualified

  • Total Not Interested

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