You can filter your scheduled calls by date or by using the additional filters from the filters button.
While date range filters can be found next to the Upcoming and Past call tabs, additional filters are accessible on a click of a button "Filter Applied" on the right.
Date range filters
The date range filter is placed outside of other filters, next to the Past calls tab, so you can access it quicker and see calls per specific date range.
You can apply the filter for a custom date range or use the predefined date ranges.
Filtering by events
Event based filter. Click on the dropdown and select or deselect all events, or choose a specific event.
Pro tips
Users with super admin and sales manager role permissions will have access to all events. Users with closer permissions will have exclusive access, meaning access to their own events, or calls from events where they are added as event hosts (learn more about User management, roles and permissions here).
Filtering by event types
To filter your calls based on the type of event (Strategy or Discovery call).
Learn more about Event types here.
Filtering by Call status
Here's the breakdown of call statuses:
Cancelled calls are hidden from the screen by default.
Learn more on how to reschedule or cancel a call here.
Filtering by Invitee email
Invitee email refers to prospects email.
Learn more on alternative place where you can see all call details for a prospect.
Filtering by Call outcomes
Filtering by outcomes will show data on the Past call page only, as outcomes are only available only when call goes into past. You can filter out outcomes per:
Strategy calls
Discovery calls
Pending outcomes
Strategy call outcomes can be filtered additionally per:
No Sale - all or per specific No Sale reason
No Show
Contact Cancelled
Admin Cancelled
Follow Up Scheduled
Discovery call outcomes can be filtered additionally per:
Even though Discovery call outcome filters do not offer rejection reasons for additional filtering, you will be able to analyze the Rejected outcome reasons in the
Global Data - Calls section, by utilizing advanced filters (learn more about Global Data advanced filters here).
Discovery calls are available with Business and Enterprise subscription plans (learn more about iClosed pricing and feature breakdown here).
Filtering by UTM's
If you've included UTM code parameters to the page where your scheduler is embedded, iClosed will collect that information, and you will be able to filter out following data.
By default, iClosed will collect and break UTM's into five categories:
UTM Campaign
UTM Source
UTM Medium
UTM Content
UTM Term
Learn more on how to track conversions with UTMs from your scheduler
Filtering by Setters or Closers
This filter is available to Super Admins or Sales Managers only. Select Closer or Setter filter and check the box next to the user name for which you'd want to filter the calls.
Learn more about super admin/sales manager AI Scheduler main page filter.