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Conditional Routing

Learn how to maximize success of the calls by routing them to right Hosts (Closers)

Updated over 3 months ago

Conditional Routing is only available with Business/Enterprise Plan.

If you are on the Startup Plan, view our plans in Settings → Billing and upgrade now to access Conditional Routing or check our pricing/features breakdown here.

iClosed Conditional routing allows you to prioritize host(s) based on the invitee answers. For example if you want to allocate high revenue company to a specific host, you can do that using Conditional Routing.

Pre-requisites for adding conditional routing:

To add conditional routing to your scheduler, you must have:

  1. Added at least 2 hosts to your event

  2. Duration of event is 14 days or less

  3. You have added at least one radio button (single select) or checkbox (multi select) type of invitee question

Setting up Conditional Routing:

If you have met the above three criteria, click on Conditional Routing tab and set it up according to the following steps:

  • Simply click on + Add Conditional Routing button

  • Choose a question to which you want to add disqualification to

  • Choose the answer, you can select multiple answers at once

  • Now click on Assign closer(s) and simply check the users that you want to route invitees to if they match the condition

Understand the 'IF' conditions

For conditional routing, you can:

  • Add up to maximum 6 'IF' conditions

  • Each condition can have up to maximum of 2 questions.

You can select AND/OR between the questions inside one condition. Multiple 'IF' Conditions will have an OR between them.

AND: Means if both the conditions are met only then a contact will be disqualified

OR: If even one of the conditions are met, the contact will be disqualified

Understanding the prioritization of conditional routing

When you select a host to prioritize based on an answer:

  • We will always route the leads to the prioritized host(s) based on their availability

  • If the prioritized hosts has only 5 available slots you can override the conditional routing and distribute the leads equally among all hosts of the event by simply checking the box:
    If only 5 slots are available for the selected closer(s), assign calls equally to all closers of the event based on their priority.


To understand conditional routing better

​We have Hosts (Closers) that are best performers with group of people at certain age and we have custom question added to our Event Form → Age Group.

  • Age Group is broken down as follows:

    • 18-25 years

    • 25-30 years

    • 30-35 years

  • Closer #1 is performing the best with people 18-25 years old

  • Closer #2 is performing the best with people 30-35 years old

  • They are equally good with people from 25-30 years old

Therefore, we will set conditional routing for both of them to get assigned to calls with groups of people they perform the best, but they will be both assigned to unassigned group of people, aged from 25-30 years and Host Priority will take over priority in assigning hosts for this particular group of people.

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