There are several reasons for this to happen. Let's start ticking off the boxes until we get to the bottom of it.
#1 - Double check is your subscription plan Business or Enterprise
Conditional Routing is available with Business and Enterprise plans only (learn more about iClosed pricing and feature breakdown here).
Quickly navigate to Settings β Billing and see your current subscription plan.
In case you don't have necessary permissions, please ask your Super Admin to check that for you, or reach out to our Support team via chat button in the bottom right of your screen.
#2 - Confirm you started creating a Strategy call event
Conditional Routing is available for Strategy Events only, therefore, please confirm you haven't started creating a Discovery Event.
Check out the Event Type in the header of the Event Builder, and in case it is a Strategy Call, proceed to #3.
#3 - Make sure Conditional Routing minimum requirements are in place
Please check following to confirm minimal requirements for Conditional Routing are in place:
Check if you've added at least 2 hosts to your event
Check is the duration of your event in Event time & limits set to be 14 days or less
Check if you have added at least one radio button or checkbox type of invitee question
In case any of these troubleshooting steps didn't help you to resolve the issue, please reach out to our Support team via chat button in bottom right of your screen.