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Track sales revenue improved iClosed Products, Deals & Transactions 🏦
Track sales revenue improved iClosed Products, Deals & Transactions 🏦

Release about Products, Deals, Transactions...

Updated over 3 months ago

Hello iClosed community, we have some exciting updates that you need to know about πŸ‘‡

Changes and improvements have been made to the following features:

New in iClosed:

Adding Strategy Call Outcomes

To improve tracking your sales and sales team performance, we have made following updates to adding outcomes and adding deals:

1. The user interface to add an outcome has been updated, now when you click on Add Outcome, you will see an improved sidebar to add your outcome.

2. Strategy Outcome 'WON' has been renamed to 'Sale' to differentiate between outcome WON (Now Sale) and the payment type Won

3. Now you can manually add a deal value and deal date so that you can track your sales EVEN BETTER!

4. Products are now more simple, discussed below.

5. If you have integrated Stripe or are using Make or Zapier to get your payment details to iClosed, you can populate deal value and date using Transactions. We will discuss Transactions in these release notes below.



Products have been made simpler:

  • Product creation will only ask for product name and description.

  • Product Packages & Package Rules have been removed.

Previously we were automatically creating products from the details coming in from your third party integration of Stripe, Make or Zapier. Now we will add all the details into Transactions and you can use them to add deal value & date while adding a deal.
We made this decision so that you don't end up creating the same product multiple times for different payment types or for different amounts of deposits.

Contact Card

We have some important changes on the Contact Card as well:

  • Journey cards are now more simpler, more detailed and covers more journeys. For example, what outcome was added, what deal was added, if an SMS failed to sent etc.

  • Merge contact and Edit contact have been moved behind three dots

  • Merge contact flow is much simpler and explained better

  • And other bug fixes and design improvements


If you have integrated Stripe, Make or Zapier to get the payment information to iClosed, all those payment will now be save into Transactions.

Previously we were creating contact, product and deal automatically whenever a new payment came from the integration. This caused a lot of redundant data and multiple products due to which the metrics were not getting calculated properly.

Now while adding a deal, you can select deal value and date from transactions.

Hubspot integration

You can now integrate HubSpot to send your contact's details to HubSpot CRM.

Simply head to Settings > Integrations and follow the steps to integrate HubSpot.

New iClosed Help Center

Lastly, but more as a cherry on the top, we're proud to announce new Help Center powered by Intercom.

One place, with all answers. Smoother navigation, easier finding the answer.

Articles with know how, best practices and pro tips, and examples for easier understanding of every iClosed feature.

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